Home/Flats rentals is a very hot market worldwide and in that sense
I would like to support the addition of VRBO.com homeaway.com and vacationsrentals.com
Searching in the internet for the top portals for renting apartments
they appears in the top 10 together with flipkey, airbnb that we already have it WODOO
Will you plan to add this portals at any point soon ?
I think they will boost sales massively
Any thoughts?
Best regards
Hi Walter and many thanks for your contibution.
I feel and think the same! I mean, the potential of the market is huge and overall, we are usually active in responding customers demands. Moreover, we are, as channel manager, aiming to connect as many OTAs as possible!
I have been personally in contact with HomeAway and I have to say they do not publish their API for a free connection (like other OTAs and partners do!) but it is on demand. They require to share datas of our customers, ensuring certain conditions, that we do not want to share!
With all the OTAs we have been working so far, we have been not required to guarantee anything a part from a reliable collaboration and trustable tech support. And I really think that would be enough.
Anyway, I would love to start a collaboration with them, and if you want to share our contacts with your account manager, I will be happy to speak with them again.
I keep at disposal.
Hi White
Thanks for your quick reply
Which kind of data do they need exactly to be shared?
What about VRBO or Vacationsrentals ?
(04-15-2015, 08:50 PM)white Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Walter and many thanks for your contibution.
I feel and think the same! I mean, the potential of the market is huge and overall, we are usually active in responding customers demands. Moreover, we are, as channel manager, aiming to connect as many OTAs as possible!
I have been personally in contact with HomeAway and I have to say they do not publish their API for a free connection (like other OTAs and partners do!) but it is on demand. They require to share datas of our customers, ensuring certain conditions, that we do not want to share!
With all the OTAs we have been working so far, we have been not required to guarantee anything a part from a reliable collaboration and trustable tech support. And I really think that would be enough.
Anyway, I would love to start a collaboration with them, and if you want to share our contacts with your account manager, I will be happy to speak with them again.
I keep at disposal.
VRBO and Vacationrentals are part of the same platform. So the API must be the same!
They want us to share our property database which means to ensure a min. number of properties connected to them. And for the way we think and created WuBook, each property is and has to be FREE to add or remove any connectivity at anytime they want.
So far, we have no idea on how to overcome this point and connect them. :(
Any idea, help or suggestion will be more than welcome!