We are almost ready to launch the WooDoo connection with Despegar! (finally and hopefully).
We want to warn you that on the 8th of February we will have a certification spot with which we will check all functionalities and agree the processes with Despegar.
After that, the connection will be ready to use but, please take in consideration you must act! How?
You have to ask your account manager in Despegar to migrate your profile into the new platform specifying you are going to connect the WuBook Channel Manager.
(02-04-2016, 09:06 PM)cyan Wrote: [ -> ]We are almost ready to launch the WooDoo connection with Despegar! (finally and hopefully).
We want to warn you that on the 8th of February we will have a certification spot with which we will check all functionalities and agree the processes with Despegar.
After that, the connection will be ready to use but, please take in consideration you must act! How?
You have to ask your account manager in Despegar to migrate your profile into the new platform specifying you are going to connect the WuBook Channel Manager.
I'm new in Wubook, and I need the connection with Despegar! As this post is old, I'd like to know if it's ready.
I've read that we must have some experience in Wubook to develope for other channels that are not Booking.com or Expedia, Which kind of things do we have to consider for those channels?.
If this is not the way for asking these topics, please, let me know.
Thanks in advance.
(01-07-2017, 02:51 AM)SP106 Wrote: [ -> ] (02-04-2016, 09:06 PM)cyan Wrote: [ -> ]We are almost ready to launch the WooDoo connection with Despegar! (finally and hopefully).
We want to warn you that on the 8th of February we will have a certification spot with which we will check all functionalities and agree the processes with Despegar.
After that, the connection will be ready to use but, please take in consideration you must act! How?
You have to ask your account manager in Despegar to migrate your profile into the new platform specifying you are going to connect the WuBook Channel Manager.
I'm new in Wubook, and I need the connection with Despegar! As this post is old, I'd like to know if it's ready.
I've read that we must have some experience in Wubook to develope for other channels that are not Booking.com or Expedia, Which kind of things do we have to consider for those channels?.
If this is not the way for asking these topics, please, let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Hi SP106 and be welcome in WuBook :)
The connectio nwith Despegar is active and you can easily add it from the woodoo section under your private control panel. If you have specific questions, you can also write to our support team (on the left side of your control panel you can find "support and guidelines" or writing an email to helpATwubookDOTnet.
Anyway the forum is also a good tool to discuss and ask...
Warm regards