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New Discussion Thread for the Templating System
Hello everyone,

We've received some valuable feedback on the new templating system, both in threads dedicated to the recent release (https://en.wubook.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=667) and in discussions that started following the release.
Thank you for your insights! To focus our conversation solely on the new templating system, we're starting this new thread to address your questions and respond to the feedback you've provided.

We've made a decision to retain the old system while introducing the new one, ensuring there is no disruption. The old templating system continues to function as usual, while we refine a new system that many of you have already recognized as a significant improvement.

Current Issues and Our Policies to Address Them:

Variable Naming:
In the new system, we've opted for more professional variable names. For instance, instead of "from," we now use "arrival." This change aims to discourage simple copy-pasting. In the new texts, only new variable names will be available (accessed by typing "::"). 

Text Spacing:
It’s true that some HTML features appear outdated. We are in the process of updating our editing engine to address this. Stay tuned for updates.

Email vs. WhatsApp + SMS:
We've differentiated between email and mobile messaging for practical reasons. SMS messages do not support HTML formatting. Regarding WhatsApp, we are planning to enable support for WhatsApp Business in the upcoming months.
We will continue to provide updates in this thread. Your input is always welcome.

Thank you again for your attention and for all the constructive feedback, which is invaluable to us.

Best regards
“This change aims to discourage simple copy-pasting” and therefore forces us to recompose all texts and keywords from scratch in all languages. It would have been too difficult to help us in our work by allowing us to copy what had already been done and used previously. I wanted to thank you for thinking about us and about our work.
(05-17-2024, 07:47 AM)LG020 Wrote: “This change aims to discourage simple copy-pasting” and therefore forces us to recompose all texts and keywords from scratch in all languages. It would have been too difficult to help us in our work by allowing us to copy what had already been done and used previously. I wanted to thank you for thinking about us and about our work.

Hello, I think the Wubook message is very poorly explained. If you can copy and paste it to use as a base in the new messages, which now also gives you the option to customize according to the type of room and its characteristics, this way the passenger is left very clear that I reserve, hence in the wubook text it says more Professional

hola, el mensaje de wubook creo esta muy mal explicado, si podes copiar y pegar para usar de base en los nuevos mensajes que ahora tambien te da la opcion de personalizar segun la tipologia de habitacion y sus caracteristicas, de esta manera al pasajero le queda bien claro que reservo, de ahi que en el texto de wubook diga mas Profesional

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