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Hello I am having trouble with Despegar; I cannot register Vienna on their "register your hotel" page because it only allows for selections in Latin American countries. It is impossible to contact them by e-mail or by phone.
could you please help me with this? How can I contact despegar to set up an account that will work for Austria. They do have a lot of properties listed in Austria so there must be a way...



Note: it would be great if you could provide some information about how and where to contact certain OTAS, I already had the same problem with 101hotels (and still have no solution)
Small property manager with 9 vacation rentals in Vienna.
Posting in the forum to make WuBook and co. better suited to the self-catering apartment business.
Hello CD031, we usually rely on OTAs websites, since they are directly
interested in being contacted by new customers.

Anyway we are going to ask for this information.
So thanks to the help of Wubook, Despegar contacted me and here is how the situation is:

- Despegar only takes Latin American properties in direct contracts.
- all other inventory is taken from Expedia
- if your property is listed on Expedia, give Despegar your ID number and they will make sure that it is also available on Despegar. They did it for my properties.
- to contact Despegar, ask the contact details from the Wubook team, as it is impossible to contact them or find their contact details otherwise.

Hope this was helpful!


Small property manager with 9 vacation rentals in Vienna.
Posting in the forum to make WuBook and co. better suited to the self-catering apartment business.
Thankyou for informing us!

Hopefully this will be useful for further itnerested properties.
Many thanks for the info!!

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