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Some feedbacks
Hello Eser,

thank you so much for your kind, generous and detailed report, it's more than appreciated. I intervene on the post because I have other ideas than Daniele and I would like to add my considerations.

About reservation ordering: here, a PMS would seriously help. I understand you want to order reservations depending on the arrival date. But ordering *all* (not only the online ones) reservatoins is saner. WuBook is a marketing (to sell more and to sell better) tool. The management of the reservations of a property is something different. It includes invoicing, ordering, room cleaning, customer archive, documents and so on. Each property owner has his own needs. From always, we collect "management" requests to be inserted on WuBook. But WuBook is not the right frame to satisfy management needs. It's another thing. It's a channel manager, a booking engine, not a property management system. A very good solution would be to connect WuBook to your PMS (Daniele has quoted also Zak, our PMS). If you already use a PMS, let's speak with it to check if they're are available to, at least, implement the integration of the online reservations.

About Credit Cards: this is not the first time we're asked to simplify the printing of the reservation info and it's annotated!!

Now, a point where I disagree with Daniele: the modifications of the reservations will probably work like now forever. First of all, it allows to maintain an historical layer of the events. Then, it extremely simplify things from a technical point of view. Moreover, it's not so wrong. Due to the fact that a reservation can be drmatically modified (by changing dates and also rooms), it's not wrong in my opinion to "cancel" the previous document and to make a new one. Also for this point, a connection to the PMS would help, because it would allow to align the reservation management to your usual way.

About pricing anchorage: it could be an idea to improve things, allowing to "overwrite" rules (like pricing plans, where you have default prices and you can then modify your prices depneding on the periods). Sicnerily speaking: the request is not out of sense. It has sense. It has also disadvantages: it's not so easy to be implemented and it can in my opinion generate problems: the editing tools should be complexified to display when a price is derived or overwitten. We should introduce additional tools to remove the overwrite (to restore for these days the derivation). So, the UI will be more complex. And maybe it's not the case. Generally, breaking derivation rules means yield management: ie, I would change my prices for some dates because I want specific values for these dates. But, in that case, why don't we take into consideration special offers? Maybe they are a good tool to solve your needs. I can help you to evaluate the situation if you want.

Thanks again for your precious post!
Best regards from Fano

Messages In This Thread
Some feedbacks - by EA041 - 07-03-2014, 10:51 AM
RE: Some feedbacks - by white - 07-03-2014, 09:55 PM
RE: Some feedbacks - by yellow - 07-04-2014, 12:47 AM
RE: Some feedbacks - by EA041 - 07-09-2014, 09:47 AM
RE: Some feedbacks - by yellow - 07-15-2014, 07:28 PM
RE: Some feedbacks - by EA041 - 02-27-2016, 04:27 AM
RE: Some feedbacks - by white - 02-29-2016, 10:16 PM
RE: Some feedbacks - by EA041 - 03-26-2016, 08:49 AM
RE: Some feedbacks - by white - 03-26-2016, 09:07 AM
RE: Some feedbacks - by EA041 - 03-27-2016, 01:23 AM

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