

I am pleased to announce that we have just released a feedbacks system. As you can see, there is a new place on the menu of WuBook:


From now, we will request a feedback to your customers and put them in condition to give you their views about their stay, collecting useful information for your work. You all know very well the matter of feedbacks, but I’d like to describe a few things:

  • Publication of feedbacks is not mandatory : the publication of feedback that you received will display on online reception of WuBook. But it ‘s optional. You can disable the publication and your customers will not see the ratings that other customers have left. Of course, if you have a lot of good feedback lets you publish and becomes a source of pride, probably the booking will work even better than now. Note that the feedback will be posted on online reception only in the new version, see the preview here
  • Sending the Request of Feedback is an Optional: I don’t know why you don’t want to ask for feedback to your customers, however is possible to disable the sending requeests. As I wrote before, the feedbacks received via WuBook are not necessarily published on online reception! So, no danger to request feeds!
  • Protecting Customers and Tourists: The feedback can be deleted … but only a little: we have to protect you from the wrath of a few, isolated customers. Maybe, unhappy for something, will replay with a very negative feedback. We have therefore decided to give a chance to delete or hide some feedback to users during online bookings. However, we have moderate this “degree of freedom”, deciding to allow the removal of feedback in a measured way. It starts with the possibility of removing a feedback. Every 10 feedbacks received, the number of feedbacks erasable will be increased by one! And if things go really bad (many negative feedbacks), you can still disable them. In addition, it will be possible to replay to the feedbacks received.

As we mentioned at the end of December and early January, now that we have restored many things, and we have revived the innovation works. The system of feedback is only one of the effects. Coming soon dozens of great ideas.

I hope you enjoy! Our commitment is always full!

Good bye to all.

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