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ZaK – Broom Paper 2.0!

We released the new  Cleaning plugin: Broom Paper.
The new version allows to better management the daily work.
We added a new configuration page of cleaning, where you can set the default values ​​of each room.
You can specify different values ​​for every room or use a quick set to save valuable time.
In addition to the configuration page we added the timing  of cleaning, which can be set according to the different states of the room, the default preparation and the maid  assigned to the room.Even the printable report has been totally revised, the final result is a more readable and customizable table, that allows  you to print only what is necessary.
If you are already using the Broom Paper plugin and you are curious to see the new configuration page,  you can access it directly from here.
The latest news, but not the least, within each booking details, you can write a little note for the maid , to communicate something special that will make your customers more satisfied, for example “add  a dozen of  red roses on the bed “.

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