
Official blog


Zak: Broom Paper & Credit Note and more..

Hello everyone.

It has been a while since we published news on our beloved PMS, Zak. We took our time to calmly analyze all relevant aspects both from the management point of view of a housing and also from the technical one. We had meetings, we discussed, we got angry, we laughed and finally we got clearer ideas of what would be the next improvements (and we know there is a lot to do..).

In this article, we will present you the first small changes that we released today and also the global idea of the changes to expect in the future.

From all the proposals and critics we received in the forum or on the phone, we know you expect much more from a PMS. We will work on it! 🙂

First point, some corrections on the “Broom Paper” our housekeeping plugin: we made small changes (a new redesign is awaiting) in order to improve usability.

Basic idea of this plugin is to print the list of rooms to clean for the person in charge.

We tried to put it clearer, giving possibility to customize the icons.


Now it will be possible to customize the icons and select to disable/enable some of the tasks:


Soon, we will add some more information in the dashboard. We are thinking in the following useful information:

  • Check-in (rooms and customers)
  • Check-out (rooms and customers)
  • List of present guests (with corresponding room)
  • Breakfast (rooms and customers)
  • Meals (rooms and customers)
  • % room ocupancy
  • % guest ocupancy

Some of those data are already available in the “Daily section” but we consider it better to display them directly in the dashboard from where you should be able to monitor your property.

Other improvement is the “Credit Note”. This document is useful mostly if you use non refundable rate and you usually get the deposit of the reservation before the check-in.

Each time you get a payment you are supposed to print a receipt but what happen when you have to make a devolution?

Answer is the Credit Note that allows the decrease or increase of invoices already released.

In fact, each credit not should refer to a corresponding invoice (number and concept).

From now, you can edit it from the details of each reservation:


Or you can also edit it from “Archive/Invoices” after accessing as an Administrator.

The result will be the same as for a normal invoice.


Additionally, we released 2 new invoicing options:

  • Possibility to release a 0€ invoice (in the cases you get paid from an agency but you need to give a receipt to the customer)
  • Possibility (as an admin only) to change the number and the date of the invoices already generated.

To sum up, we have to tell you that we are working on a new invoice/payment system to add features requested in your comments.

And soon, you will see in Zak the following improvements:

  • Update of pending section, invoicing and payments.
  • Management of extras and suppliers
  • Control of the WuBook prices from Zak
  • implementation of new features like webcheck-in, marketing, messaging
  • implementation of Yield management features
  • integration with external CRM, etc.

We are also aware that we need to implement a section of statistics and reports more useful and more oriented to business intelligence. But on the other hand, before we have to figure out some computational and architectural problems. Without these intermediate steps (which are not visual) we can not move forward. We will not ask for your patience, but we ask you to trust in our work!

See you soon. As always we will be attentive to your comments.


About WuBook:

We help customers to have easy access to the best technologies in the tourism industry to grow their business.
PMS – CHANNEL MANAGER – BOOKING ENGINE for Hotel, B&B, Hostels and Vacation rentals.
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