
Official blog


To Build an Invoice with ZAK Property Management System

Hi Everyone again 馃檪

As stated in a previous entry of this blog we are going to publish a new invoicing system on our beloved Property Management System Zak. With this article I’d like to explain the news we introduced and basically, the way it works. The first thing is that there will be 2 ways to build an invoice/document:

  • from the menu Bar at the top of the page by clicking on the new icon we recently added during this release
  • from reservation details by clicking on “build invoice new version” just above the current link to create an invoice

The icon on the main menu bar is useful to create documents from each section of the software, at any time and to any customer. But overall in a easy and simple way, you will be now able to invoice a customer for an additional service not including a reservation.


As you can see, by clicking on that icon the preview of the invoice is empty (no customer, no concept) because the document could not be associated to a guest. The client, in few word, of the document could not be a guest, and the concept could not be a night stay. This is very helpful if you manage a bar or a restaurant close to the hotel and you accept external customer. Not allocated customers can have a coffee and you are now able to build them a receipt (if needed) using Zak and not another software.

Warning: the products you will invoice through Zak which are not related to a reservation, won’t be included in payment statistics during the first release. We will recollect those payments and count them correctly on the general statistics in a further moment, when we will be able to produce dynamic stats for each business.

Building a document from the reservation details means that you can create an invoice, a receipt, a credit note and/or an estimation/proforma associated to the concepts you have inserted on the reservation itself.


As it was working before, you will produce a document as proof of the payment of those services (the room, extras, touristic tax, etc.). The news are clearly detailed here below:


As you can see in the picture there are few important details:

  1. to choose the document type you want to build. If you build an invoice or a numbered receipt then these will have a serial number
  2. the customer will be added automatically from the reservation and it will be the default customer (but you can personalize this item*)
  3. there will be always the reservation reference on the document

* to edit a customer is pretty easy. Just click on edit fields if the change is valid only for this document. Click on edit customer if you want to change the customer details on our database. Click on Add/change customer if you want to invoice another client.

Something more:


This is the section of concepts to invoice and amount resumes:

  1. the concept of “stay” (room + days of stay) will appear on default and will be editable as wished. Moreover you will see all the details about amounts (before VAT, discounts, VAT %, total, etc.) which are all editable.
  2. we can add a line of concept if we decide to add an extra at the last minute and this action will create and update the reservation details with an added extra or meal.
  3. resumes of total concepts and amount well detailed. This is important to be matched with payments.

Together with the reservation resume, we have a new section dedicated to payments. This section could appear (or not) on the final document you print. As preferred. This part has been not associated to documents so far, but it was inside each reservation page. With this new system you are forced to insert payment for each document before saving it.

So, what you are going to update will be:


  1. 聽next to the payment date you can find the payment method (cash, debit card, credit card etc)
  2. Destination account is the the account you send money to. So, it could be cash (hotel cash) or Bank cash.. This feature is to be able after next release, to manage all the cashflow depending on each account to better manage your business.
  3. deferred payments. With this section you can now add future payments. You can then create a document with payments to be done in the future.
  4. if you build partial payments or just deposits (the reason can be the payment date or the payment method) you can add many payments (and devolution for credit notes)
  5. this last option is for our customers outside Europe 馃檪 It is the chance to add payment with other currencies, so that you can accept a payment in dollars even if you invoice in pesos or viceversa.

Last but not least, to be able to finish and save a document you have to make that total amount and total payments amount are matching. If not, a message is warning you that something is wrong (as shown in the picture above):


Finally, I am sure to forget something to say but hopefully you will remind us with bugs to fix, features to add and details to modify and improve. Please, consider that this is a huge change and we put all the enthusiasm to finally offer a fine solution to almost all the needs you have expressed during these years.

Remember that old invoicing system will disappear in 30 days.

Meanwhile, I hope you will enjoy the new one.

Warm regards

p.d.: many thanks to Jade, who is the creator of the new invoicing system and to all of you that have contribute to this change (Dario, Fabio, Felipe, Angela, etc.).

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