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Online reception: room amenities

Servizi esclusivi delle camere

Many of you have requested them in past and finally we have been able to add them into the booking engine: amenities.

Visualizzazione amenities
This are the icons with the description of all the in-room mod cons

The amenities represent all the services offered into the one room: A/C, minibar, room service, wi-fi, etc; and now it will be easier to list them by using these icons.

Where do I make the configuration of the amenities?

In the WuBook extranet going to the tabs FACILITY>ROOMS:

Servizi esclusivi delle camere

The graphic interface is pretty much self explanatory:

Scelta delle amenities
Select the amenities per each of your rooms

On the left column you will see the room selection; It can be single or multiple. And, in the right column you will find the list of all available amenities.

Selezione multipla delle amenities
Assign amenities to different rooms at the same time

In the multiple section and by clicking on the tick box of the mother room you will see the following options:

  1. selection of mother room and its virtual rooms
  2. selection of mother room only
  3. deselection of mother room.

In the online reception you will see the list of amenities of each room by clicking on the icon: visualizza le amenities con un click.

Servizi esclusivi

If you dont like the background color of the amenities you can easily modify it from the Reservation Settings tab in the Online Reception area.

Personalizza il colore delle amenities
Customize the background color of your amenities

** This release will be online in the next few days.

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