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Upgrade on the Invoicing System in Zak PMS

Good morning everyone!

We should announce a very important and interesting upgrade on the way our PMS Zak is managing payment and invoice generation. Zak (the little brother of Wubook) is growing up fast and now he is not able to deal with the challenges of adultness anymore. As it is right now, it cannot manage many requested situations you (hoteliers) are facing almost daily. So that we decided to build a new payment/invoicing system. Flexible, complete, easy to use and very good looking 🙂

This article is just an announcement. We are going to publish next week this upgrade but we will keep the old system meanwhile monitoring the new one´s beahviour. We do not want you to experience any kind of trouble while upgrading. Absolutely.

Both systems will be working during an entire month at least and after that, once things are consistently stable (even if we already have done a loooot of tests) we will remove the old invoicing system. Warning: we do not recommend to build partial invoices using both systems. If you build a partial invoice with the old system, complete the reservation invoices with that system and viceversa. Do not mix please.

So, once the Beta phase (2 invoicing systems living together) is over, both payments and old invoices links will disappear. It won’t be possible to create a payment with no document associated. This way, we want to avoid any chance to get wrong statistic and wrong reports because the business analisis should become very detailed.

Then payment will be always marked inside each document you want to build. They will become part of the document itself but you will finally be able to postpone payments of a document. Let’s call them future payments (with date of issue in the future). Moreover you will be requested to select the method of payment and the account of destination. And you can easily understand that this is the first step to obtain the cashflow management for many accounts (Bank, Cash, etc.) and payment to agencies (Online/Offline agencies).

The document types you will be able to build are:

  •  Invoice
  •  Receipt
  •  Credit Note
  •  Estimation/Pro-Forma

Every type has its own characteristics and peculiarities. For example, receipt can be numbered or not. Not numbered receipts can be converted anytime into invoices or numbered receipts (having a serial associated to it) but not the contrary. Once you convert a not numbered receipt into a numbered document then this process is not reversible. All the documents have an associated payment (or more than one) and the total of payment has to match with the total amount of the document. If you add extras, boards, or if you increase the values of the invoices concepts then you should have to modify the amount of payments in order to match against the total.

Estimation or proforma documents do not have a payment included and won’t be registered on the DB as they are estimations and with no fiscal value. They are useful documents only when you make an offer to your potential guest and you want to show him a written proposal. You generate a reservation, then you create the estimation and you can include an expiration date to give a limit of time to that offer been available to confirm.

Credit notes are docuemtns that always refer to other documents. Precisely, they always link to an invoice. Credit notes are correction of invoices amounts already generated, so that there is a reference to specific concepts of the previous invoice. Payments on credit notes are always negative because they are refunds. Again, total refund amount and total invoice amount must match.

An additional news is the chance to build an invoice (or any type of document) not related to a reservation. This is specially helpful for those of you who have a bar or restaurant and need to use a unique invoicing system for all clients. And to keep a unique serial numeration for all the businesses. We added a small icon on the icons bar, at the top, so that adding a new document is as easy as to make a click 🙂

Last but not least, what is coming on? What is still missing?

We are already working on the chance to improve the presentation of data inside Archive/invoices where you can see all the documents generated. We would like to add many filters like closed invoices, partially charged invoices, future payments and so on.

To dedicate a specific section for accounts and the cashflow management is another important upgrade we have planned already and going to complete as soon as possible.

With the following article we are going to publish, we will insert a brief explanation on how to build documents and payments with the new invoices system. Keep connected 🙂

Warm regards


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