Managing multi-properties avoiding overbooking

La più bella Verona

Silvia manages her own flats between Verona and Lake Garda. But she is also a woman who does not want to lose either her private life or her sales targets.

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The results

  • +50% of direct bookings
  • +100% increased revenue

The story

Silvia owns and manages six flats in Verona. But everything was different in the beginning. She entered the world of tourism a few years ago, almost for fun, unaware of the opportunities that were opening up before her. But then, you know, one thing led to another, and Silvia knew how to do it. So from an occasional activity, property management became her main business and she had to face all the tasks of a industry like hospitality. Finding herself managing the change from an occasional activity to an entrepreneurial one, on her own, in a city that offers so many tourism opportunities, highlighted the need to find a software that would automate property management while allowing her not to upset her daily habits and commitments.
Silvia, the owner

The challenge

Her properties are between Verona and Lake Garda. Guests arrive at odd hours and often later than announced. Her first wish was to manage their arrivals remotely, to allow her to be free and the customers to arrive in comfort or manage any inconvenience. Silvia's second challenge was to obtain 50 per cent of revenue from direct bookings. But how to run a business on her own that requires several professionals and specialized staff? Silvia had courage, did her research, realized that she could solve all her needs through management software and started looking for the right partner. She was looking for a platform that would give her complete control over her reservations and avoid overbooking. A management software that would allow her to manage electronic invoicing without long phone calls to the accountant and, last but not least, an SEO-optimized website with an integrated reservation system for each flat. But how to find all this in one software?

"Guests arrived at the oddest times and often later than announced. I often had to wait a few hours and then be nervous when the guests arrived. On my own it was really difficult to keep everything under control!"

la più bella Verona terrace

The solutions

After comparing different management softwares, Silvia chose WuBook. Because, in addition to managing remote check-in and check-out, Silvia now has a website for each property, each integrated with the reservation engine and all within the same management system: all reservations can be monitored from the same interface, wherever Silvia is, on any device. A truly remarkable time saving! The SEO optimization included in the software also finally allowed her to increase visibility and consequently direct bookings from her sites. The Booking Engine connected to the Channel Manager avoids the risk of overbooking. challenge won! Last but not least, Silvia tells us that she had a great time with WuBook support team available 7 days a week via email, chat and telephone. She felt followed from the the platform configuration stage to the management of the rooms. тАиIn WuBook Silvia found a community that helped her to express her full personality as a tourism entrepreneur.

Thanks to Hotel Website Creation, my properties finally have their own direct booking site and in no time at all I have increased my turnover by 100%!

la più bella verona apartment

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